EXPO REAL 2022 insights

Reasons to be optimistic despite the challenges ahead

Joanna Fisher, CEO of ECE Marketplaces and a member of ECSP’s board, attended this year’s edition of EXPO REAL. It was an opportunity to network and engage after another year that has seen Europe take on further new challenges which have significant effects also for the industry. Given the challenges the pandemic created and the concerns over the global economy ahead, the need for cooperation and partnership has never been more important. She sees many reasons to be optimistic, with dynamic and innovative solutions continuing to drive the sector.

“EXPO REAL was a great opportunity to deepen the dialogue with our partners and stakeholders – because it is precisely at this time that personal exchange and a close partnership are particularly important. For this, the days at EXPO REAL have been of great value providing a great platform for communication and exchange.

The current dynamic times are challenging for the entire retail real estate industry and require smart solutions and a pragmatic, but professional approach based on comprehensive experience in the business. In this context, partnership in cooperation and a close exchange – of investors, tenants and operators – as well as a high degree of operational excellence are of great importance for our joint success. This has already been demonstrated in the last two years and continues to be crucial in the current situation.

However, it is just as important to look positively into the future and to actively shape the change in the industry and drive it forward with good examples and projects. To this end, there is a whole range of measures and initiatives, many of which were the topic of discussion at EXPO REAL – from large projects for the modernization and further development of retail real estate assets, to exciting events and campaigns, new tenants and new branches entering the stage of retail real estate, both nationally and internationally as well as the ongoing bridge-building between online and offline.

All of this showed me once again at EXPO REAL what challenges, but above all what opportunities, lie ahead of us to shape the future. Let’s get it on!”

About ECE Marketplaces

ECE Marketplaces is a leading service provider in Europe for the management of shopping centers and offers comprehensive expertise and more than 55 years of experience in the professional operation and marketing of shopping centers as well as their continuous development into lively marketplaces and attractive urban districts. As part of the internationally active real estate and investment company ECE Group, ECE Marketplaces manages around 200 shopping centers – including 40 shopping centers in international markets and more than 50 retail parks under the management of MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement – as well as around 160 car parks. For more information, please visit www.ece.com